Kim Beom KOREA, b. 1968



1991     MA, School of Visual Arts, New York, USA

1988     MFA, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea

1986     BA, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea



2023     How to Become a Rock, Leeum Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea

2017     Random Life, STPI, Singapore

2016     Two Hours, Tina Kim Gallery, New York, USA

2013     Tireless Refrain, Nam June Paik Art Center, Yongin, Korea

2012     Kim Beom: The School of Inversion, Hayward Gallery, London, UK

2011     Tell me, Tell me: Australian and Korean Art 1976-2011, Contemporary Art Museum, Sydney, Australia

2010     Objects Being Taught They Are Nothing But Tools, Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, USA

2009     Your Bright Future: 12 Contemporary Artists from Korea, LACMA, LA, USA

2009     The Demon of Comparisons, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands

2008     The Cover of a Book is the Beginning of a Journey, Arnolfini,

Bristol, UK

2007     Pleasant Imagination and Interpretation, Sun Gallery, Seoul, Korea

2002     Unexpected Shape, Art Sonje, Gyeongju, Korea

2000     Flower,  New York Trans-Hudson Gallery, New York, USA

1997     Utility Objects, New York Trans-Hudson Gallery, New York, USA

1996     A Supposition, Trans-Hudson Gallery, Jersey City, USA



2024     Every Island is a Mountain, Palazzo Malta - Ordine di Malta, Venezia, Italy

2024     Support Sarubia 2024, Project Space Sarubia, Seoul, Korea

2023     Taipei Biennial 2023: Small World, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, Taiwan

2023     The Part in the Story Where Our Accumulating Dust Becomes Mountain, Seoul Museum. of Art, Seoul, Korea

2023     The Journey through Art Sociology Leads to Art Philosophy: Artists’ Anthology, Seoul National University Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea

2023     Back to the Future: An Exploration of Contemporaneity in Korean Contemporary Art, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul, Korea

2023     Oh, Shyness, Buk-Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea

2022     The Poetic Collection, Seoul Museum of Art Seosomun, Seoul, Korea

2022     Hybrid Baton: Atypical Feast, Gallery Baton, Seoul, Korea

2021     “1+1” A Collector’s View, One and J. Gallery, Seoul, Korea

2021     Catastrophe and Recovery, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul, Korea

2021     Artists in Their Times: Korean Modern and Contemporary Art, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Gwacheon, Gwacheon, Korea

2019    #To See, MMCA Children’s Museum of Art, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Gwacheon, Gwacheon, Korea

2019     Seeing Unaccompanied, Chapter II, Seoul, Korea

2017     Ode to Forgetting, Nam-Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea

2017     Post Modern - Real, Seoul National University Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea

2017     Cracks in the Concrete from MMCA Collection, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Gwacheon, Korea

2015     Inundated, Heated, Uproarious, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul, Korea

2015     A Century-long Company, Daejeon Museum of Art, Daejeon, Korea

2014     Objectology – Design and Art, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Gwacheon, Korea

2013     Time Mutation, UB Art Gallery, Buffalo, USA

2013     New Scenes, Seoul Museum of Art (North), Seoul, Korea

2013     Tireless Refrain, Nam June Paik Art Center, Seoul, Korea

2013     (Im)possible Landscape, Samsung PLATEAU Art Museum, Seoul, Korea

2011     Shifting Surfaces: Experience, Perspectives and Media, Art Sonje,  Gyeongju, Korea

2005     51th Venice Biennale Korean Pavilion Exhibition, Venice, Italy

2005     Sungkok Art Museum 10th Anniversary Cool & Warm,  Sungkok Art Museum, Seoul, Korea

2001     Art Spectrum 2001, Ho-Am Art Museum, Seoul, Korea

2001     Asian Artist’s Fantasy, Space ima, Seoul, Korea

2000     Utopia, Distopia, Seongsan Art Hall, Changwon, Korea

2000     Double Space, Youngeun Art Museum, Gwangju, Korea

2000     Drawing, Trans-Hudson Gallery, New York, USA

2000     Dear. Art 21, Sejong Gallery, Seoul, Korea

2000     Design or Art,  Design Art Gallery of Seoul Arts Center, Seoul, Korea

1999     Parking Lot Project No.1 : Cartoon, Sonje Art Museum, Gyeongju, Korea

1999     Window; Inside, Outside, Gwangju Museum of Art, Gwangju

1999     The Cereijido Film & Video Festival, London MOTA Gallery, London, UK

1999     Conceptual Art as Neurobiological Praxis,  Tread Waxing Space, New York, USA

1998     Defrost, Art Sonje, Gyeongju, Korea

1998     Educating Barbie, Trans-Hudson Gallery, New York, USA

1997     The Whole World in a Small Painting, Trans-Hudson Gallery, New York, USA

1997     The Cereijido Summer Film & Video Festival, Tricia Collins grand salon, New York, USA

1997     Gwangju Biennale, Gwangju, Korea



2001     2nd Hermes Foundation Missulsang, Seoul, Korea

1996     15th Suknam Artist, Seoul, Korea
